Delivering Financial Autonomy To The Young Generation With Ypay Student Debit Card
Everybody deserves financial autonomy and so does the young generation. The launch of the all new Debit Card For Teens has brought a revolution. Children can pay their school fees, purchase stationery, make random payments and enjoy financial autonomy under the regulation of the parents. The YPay card is the new deal for young children who had a lot of troubles in managing the day-to-day in the absence of a proper financial medium. Young students can make payment using the smart card for smart generation within the set limits. The parents can restrict a certain amount till which the children can spend and save. This helps the younger generation to learn about monetary management and to become independent.
multitude of benefit
Personal Wallet For Teens is not only a source of convenience for the young generation but also a sigh of relief for the parents. It helps the children to have a little amount of money at their disposal all the time. They can use the available funds for managing the expenses of stationary, school, hostel and other things. They do not need to involve parents in every little thing. Also, it helps parents to give a little freedom to their children by allowing them to look after their routine affairs on their own.
No old school methods of payments
Children are not required to carry cash all the time in their pockets. They just have to slip the plastic money in their wallets that can be used anywhere they want.
Completely secure
Parents can freeze the card if at any point of time they find their kids overspending. Also, if the card is lost or misplaced, one can easily ask the service provider to stop the services.
Keeps parents in loop
Parents can indirectly monitor the expenditure made by children. Although, they are not directly involved in making payments but they do receive all the notifications about the expenditures made. Parents can also download the exclusive y pay app that has all the details about the card expenditures. One can easily access the user friendly data without the slightest of inconvenience.
Encourages money saving habits
We All agree to the fact that cash in hand is more easily spent than the one kept in the bank account. Swiping cards is still a regulated affair. There are a variety of features that This Debit Card For Student Has. Children will be knowing how much they can spend and the leftover amount can be used as savings. This encourages a good habit of accumulating wealth for a better tomorrow.
Final words
The student friendly card gives freedom to the children to learn about money management without landing up in trouble. Bharat Ka Smart Card is indeed a smart move from the developers that can help teenage children to learn the way debit cards can be used at a very young age.